Wednesday, October 26, 2005


So, I came across this article in Time Magazine that lists their top 100 novels from 1923-present. It is honesty time; I have read one book of this list. That's right, count it up, one book (and if you can guess which one, you win the big prize).

So, basically, I really am this big, stupid thing from Arkansas as I have always suspected. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I expected to have read more books on the list. I know that I do not read books. I have read no books since 1998. In 1998, I had a spurt where I read Living in the Light, The Celestine Prophecy, and Oprah Winfrey's Make the Connection, but that had more to do with my life changing optimism back then. When it comes really down to it, I have turned into my father, and if it isn't on TV, then I don't know about it.

That is why I have decided that I am going to read every book on this list. I don't care if it takes me the rest of my life, I am going to do it. I wouldn't mind getting some input though, I mean if there is a book on the list that you really think is awful, please let me know. More importantly, if there is something not on the list that you think should be, again, please let me know.

Now, I think I will make my friend Ryan (and many others of you I am sure) really happy and make the first book I read off the list Naked Lunch. Progress reports are forthcoming.


Mama Beck said...

Am I right? Am I right? Every girl read this book in hopes of her first visit form Aunt Flow! Oh, that's right... you vomit when the topic of Aunt Flow comes up!!
I have read 5 on the list... and probably the cliff notes of about 3 others... wel enough of the cliff notes to pass the test. Okay, maybe just breezed through the cliff notes and read the chapter titles ....

Powergirl said...

I've read 8. I tried to read 9. I had such a hard time getting into The Sound and the Fury. I never finished it. I have the same guess as becky.

Anonymous said...

So...I'm assuming it's 1923-present as a jokey way of excluding 'Ulysses'?

By the way, 'Naked Lunch' is great, but it's damn near impossible to read. I read it back when I had eight to ten hours to read a day, sitting by the pool at night drinking Red Bull and smoking Camel Lights. And even in that hyper-sensitive state, I still had to read certain sections three or four times over to get where Burroughs was going with it.

I'd reccomend 'The Corrections' to start. I think you'd love it.

Kid Ornery said...

I still haven't looked at the list.
I'm afraid to.
I'm also afraid of reading "Naked Lunch".
Tried once.
I know that Alan Moore's "watchmen" is on the list, and just came out in a super cool ridiculous ultimate hardback edition that I'd buy if I had a job.

Good luck with your book quest,


Kyle said...

Thanks, I will take that into consideration. Actually, maybe I should just start with something from Little Golden Books; I bet they have something I can comprehend.

Anonymous said...

I have read 8 of them. Not very good considering I am a school teacher. However, I have read all of the Berenstein Bear series books, Arthur series, and Junie B. Jones series.

Anonymous said...

P.S. Anonymous is Celeste

Anonymous said...

I've read 24 of the books on the list. But that's because I'm reading my way through the Modern Library top 100 novels of the 20th century. Which includes Ulysses. Which I've read.

At first I thought the idea of a "best" reading list was stupid because that's such a subjective thing. But as I started reading through my list I began to get a different attitude about that. I love reading but I always had a hard time trying to pick out a good book. The books I've read off this list have truly been some of my favorite. And many of them have taught me a great deal. Things about history, cultures, the plight of people different from me and of those very much like me.

I own many of the books on the list so if you need to borrow let me know.

Good luck on your journey, I think you will enjoy the hell out of it.

My favorite on this list: A Handful of Dust by Evelyn Waugh.

Anonymous said...

Damnit Walt, I've only read twenty-three!


Anonymous said...

This week-end I'll finish "The Heart is a Lonely Hunter" and that will make an even quarter.

Anonymous said...

Damn it. I have only read 21 of these.
But then, I have not been reading much lately, either.
I think it is mean for them to list "Lord of the Rings" as one novel. I have read it, and it can get tedious. I did like it but LOTR is what happens when a linguist writes a novel.
I despised "The Grapes of Wrath." I would recommend "East of Eden" for my Steinbeck choice, but many would disagree.
Evelyn Waugh is a fuckin' genius. "Brideshead Revisited" is transcendent.
"The Sound and the Fury" is hard to finish because it is an awful book. (and I can't think of anything by Faulkner that isn't.)
As for Little/Golden Books, let me suggest "Are You My Mother?" It was my favorite as a child because I would have taken anyone/anything in trade for the mother I had. :)
Lots of great books on the list. It should be fun. Good luck!


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