Friday, August 24, 2007

Son, Did You Piss in your Car?


Anonymous said...

That's freakin' hilarious!

Anonymous said...

All I had to see was the title to send me in to peels of laughter that sent me to the bathroom so that I would not pee in my pants.
This has always been one of my favorite stories.

Anonymous said...

You have had so many cars that I barely can remember that boat! I think the car that most sticks out is the gold Hyundai. To this day, I think of you when I see a Hyundai.

Have a safe trip to good old south Arkansas. I hate I can't see you, but TN is even further away from Houston than Arkansas. Even though you had some bad times in Arkansas. we sure had a lot of good times as well.


Mama Beck said...

I haven't even watched this yet and I am already laughing and excited with anticipation of my favorite Arkansas story!!!!!!!

Powergirl said...

Gross!!!!! I had to stop the video. I just couldn't take it!


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